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Teenage diabetes

Teenage diabetes

What is diabetes? Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar levels to become too high Insulin (hormone produced by the pancreas) is responsible for controlling the amount of glucose in the blood In teenagers it is most common to have type 1...
Suicide- The thing most likely to kill me is me

Suicide- The thing most likely to kill me is me

Suicide is the biggest killer of young people – male and female – aged under 35 in the UK. However, suicidal feelings do not have to end in suicide and there is help out there. Here we give some important advice, together with a testimonial from Paramedic Matty...
Sexual health

Sexual health

Sources: NHS UK/Live Well , NHS UK/One You Sexual health is very important as it protects you and the people you are/will be intimate with. In this section you will find the key information which you need to know about sexual health. What is sexual health? It is a...
Be safe online

Be safe online

How safe are you online? Our 111 service at South Central Ambulance Service is taking increasing phone calls regarding ‘Internet Revenge’ and its devastating effects on the victims. If you have already shared information/photos and are now target of this action...
Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse

Sources: Rape Crisis and NSPCC What is sexual abuse? Being forced or persuaded into sexual activities when you are unwilling Physical abuse (e.g. rape) or non-physical (e.g. grooming) Grooming and sexual exploitation can happen to any young person. Sometimes...
Road safety – motorcycling

Road safety – motorcycling

In this section we are presenting you with two real fatal accidents. We are asking you to read and watch the following carefully and learn from these people’ s mistakes.Case 1 Here is a helmet cam footage of a fatal bike accident, which a mother released for...


Self-harming can affect people’s lives but can be defeated. Here is a help guide. Source: NHS website and Mind What is it? Intentionally inflicting pain onto one’s self to deal with difficult feelings, memories and hard situations or experiences Can be done in...
Drug driving

Drug driving

Source: and Driving under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous and can affect driving skills in a number of ways. Why is it important? It’s against the law to drive under the...
Emergency call-Be prepared with APE

Emergency call-Be prepared with APE

Would you know what to do when you ring 999? Start the challenge now with the video below. Just to recap, remember the three key details which you need to know when you ring 999: There are a number of things you can do to assist the ambulance service while the...